Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 22 Photo Challenge: Place of Care

Well I kinda hate the place that told us the awful I will skip this one.

However, I do love my OBGYN. Kate gave me her direct line and I'm pretty sure I have her cell phone number too. She called me at random times 9pm to check in. I also love the OB nurse, Katie. I have never met her, but she has been very supportive through both losses. When I get pregnant I call her direct line and I get an earlier u/s than the normal folks that call the front desk.

I had a lot of support via electronics, so very many people reached out. I forgot about most of the cards, calls, and such...
But really these two waited on me hand and foot. Wallowing in my own grief I didn't realize they (and many of you) were very sad too, but know I know that, they all wanted Stella here too. They were just as excited about her arrival.

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