Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Anxiety Builds

I woke up Friday morning certain I was no longer pregnant. My boobs felt smaller and less sore and I swear my belly was gone. I felt dumb calling the doctor, what would I say? I just need peace of mind? A friend reminded me that I was in charge of my healthcare and I could call and ask to be seen. I did. I left school for a bit and Will met me there. We heard the heartbeat via Doppler. :)

Will was amazing he said all the right's not a problem, I'll cancel my client and head (30 minutes) across town. It's ok. Even if you are seen in the first five minutes and I don't get there in time, I'll wait for you in the parking lot and hug your neck. Gosh I love this man. Well it took a long time to be seen so he didn't miss anything. Urine was normal and blood pressure.

Anyway here are my ideas about why I am all of a sudden not calm:
Less than a week until the anatomy scan
Started making more plans
-paint colors chosen for nursery and painter booked
-crib bedding samples came in the mail
-plans for a photo shoot
-cute cards to announce the sex, once we know it is healthy so far
-asking others their opinion about leave
-told HR I wouldn't meet until after anatomy scan
-baby/dog gates scheduled to be installed on the stairs, tricky with the banisters...
And the big one, I borrowed a friend's Doppler Wednesday. We couldn't find the HB, so I tried at my house Thursday and then again Friday that and the anatomy scan approaching= one crazy lady.

Yes I will be returning that Doppler! 
I'm glad I went to the doctor, I've had a very peaceful weekend.


  1. That little heartbeat is music to the ears, isn't it?
    I'm learning a lot from people having experiences with these dopplers. I will not be getting one. :)
    And ps... You're justified in having these thoughts. Dontcha worry.
    Loved seeing some of the plans!

  2. So glad y'all have each other.
